3,67 / 1
  • AED / EUR
    3.98 / 1
Sea Temperature +31°
الصفحة الرئيسية

NEW! Raffles The Palm Dubai

Located on one of The Palm's best beaches, classic in its shape yet contemporary at heart, the palace has been crafted by the greatest European artisans with the most precious materials and is brought to life by masters in their fields, from the chefs in the restaurants, to the in-house furniture curator, to the performers on stage. A uniquely holistic and contrasted hospitality experience for local and travelling connoisseurs, bridging the gap between tradition and vibrant 21st century luxury.

Thoughtful, intuitive, and discreet, Raffles Butlers are the epitome of refined luxury, providing a myriad of services that save you time and elevate your hotel experience.

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Dubai Mall 19.08.2022 15:33:24 Dubai Mall

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